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Laamu, Mathi-Dhekunu

This is the Laamu Postcode page list. Its detail is as below.

Region 2-Postcode

Which sub-regions are included in Laamu? Here's the list of sub-regions in Laamu.
Region 2 City Postcode (ZIP)
Laamu Dhabidhoo 15020
Laamu Fonadhoo 15080
Laamu Gaadhoo 15090
Laamu Gan Mathimaradhoo 15062
Laamu Gan Mukurimagu 15063
Laamu Gan Thundi 15061
Laamu Hithadhoo 15110
Laamu Isdhoo Isdhoo 15011
Laamu Isdhoo Kalhaidhoo 15012
Laamu Kalhaidhoo 15050
Laamu Kunahandhoo 15120
Laamu Maabaidhoo 15030
Laamu Maamenboodhoo 15100
Laamu Maavah Boduvelu Avah 15071
Laamu Maavah Thundi Avah 15072
Laamu Mundhoo 15042
Envelope Example
Maldives Envelope Example
For more explanation, please read the official document: mdv.pdf . (English)

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